@article{499, keywords = {non-Palaiseau, paper}, author = {A Fontaine and Francois Baudelet and E Dartyge and J.-M. Dubuisson and Christine Giorgetti and S .Pizzini and D. Andrault and F. Farges and G. Fiquet and J.-P. ItiƩ and A Polian and A. San-Miguel and H TOLENTINO}, title = {Instrumentation and key elements of the dispersive X-ray absorption spectrometer for accurate measurements}, year = {1995}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, volume = {66}, chapter = {1616}, number = {2}, month = {1995}, issn = {0034/6748}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/RSINAK/v66/i2/p1616/s1}, doi = {10.1063/1.1145859}, }